Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dealing With Common Pregnancy Complaints

Pregnancy : Dealing With Common Pregnancy Complaints

This interesting article addresses some of the key issues regarding pregnancy. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about pregnancy.

It's really a good idea to probe a little deeper into the subject of pregnancy. What you learn may give you the confidence you need to venture into new areas.

Pregnancy is not without its side effects. During pregnancy your body will undergo many hormonal changes. These hormone fluctuations can result in a variety of unpleasant symptoms including: nausea, fatigue, bloating and fluid retention and mood swings.

What’s a pregnant woman to do? Believe it or not, there are many changes you can make to your diet that will help minimize many of the common pregnancy complaints you are having.

Nausea/Morning Sickness – This is one of the more common complaints pregnant women have, particularly during their first trimester. Many women find that sipping on some

fizzy soda water with fresh squeezed lemon often helps reduce nausea. Ginger tea is also another well known remedy for nausea and morning sickness. If you are still not feeling better, an extra 10 to 25 milligrams of vitamin B6 is often just enough to help ease nausea. You can take a supplement or try foods rich in B6 such as lean meats, fish and avocados.

Edema – Most women swell a little during pregnancy. The best thing you can do to ease swelling is drink more water. You may think you are already drinking too much, but in all reality you probably aren’t. Some women find that wearing compression hosiery can also help reduce fluid retention. Some women also find that a little extra calcium/magnesium can help combat fluid retention and bloating.

Fatigue – Exercise is often the best way to get rid of pregnancy induced fatigue. Even if you think you are too tired to work out, you’ll find you feel much better after exercising. Eating six small meals per day will also help energize you. Be sure you also consume foods rich in iron to prevent anemia, a common cause of fatigue in pregnant women.

Mood Swings – Mood changes are almost inevitable during pregnancy due to rampant hormonal fluctuations. Be sure you get plenty of rest to help combat fatigue that can contribute to mood swings. You might also consider supplementing with essential fatty acids, which may be beneficial for reducing anxiety and depression.

Don’t forget above all else that most of the symptoms of pregnancy are just temporary, and before you know it you will be back to your jubilant, pre pregnancy self!

Those who only know one or two facts about pregnancy can be confused by misleading information. The best way to help those who are misled is to gently correct them with the truths you're learning here.

Article by Beverley Brooke, author of "Ensure a healthy safe pregnancy for you and your baby", visit http://www.pregnancy-weight-loss.comfor/

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