YOUR BODY AT ONE MONTH PREGNANTYour body will begin to undergo an amazing series of changes over the next nine months. During the first month your pregnant, your period will cease, or you will experience light spotting as the embryo implants itself in your uterus. Morning sickness, which can happen any time throughout the day, can begin (usually between two to six weeks of gestation). Your breasts become slightly fuller and tender, and you urinate more frequently because your growing uterus puts pressure on your bladder. You may also experience fatigue.
Don’t be surprised if your emotions start to swing. You may feel joy or elation, or become weepy, fearful and irritable. These feelings are normal.
For the first eight weeks your pregnant, your baby is an embryo, which resembles a tadpole. By the end of the first month, the embryo is about half-an-inch long and weighs less than one ounce. During the first month your pregnant, all major organs and systems begin to form. The neural tube, which becomes the brain and spinal cord, begins to form. The digestive system and the heart and circulatory systems also begin to form. Tiny limb buds appear, which will develop into arms and legs. The ears and eyes are also beginning to develop. By the end of the first month your pregnant, the heart begins to beat
Prenatal care involves a series of regular examinations and tests by your physician. In an uncomplicated pregnancy, most women will see their physician monthly, until the 32nd week of pregnancy. Then, you will be seen every two weeks. In the final month of pregnancy, you will be seen every week.
Your first prenatal visit will be the most thorough. A complete medical history is taken, including previous surgeries, as well as any current medications (prescription and over-the-counter). Other topics covered include maternal and paternal family medical history, personal gynecological and obstetrical history, a review of diet and lifestyle, and a complete physical exam, including a pelvic exam.
Routine blood tests will be ordered to identify your blood type, Rh factor, whether you’re deficient in iron, immune to German measles (rubella) or have a sexually transmitted disease such as syphilis or herpes. A urinalysis is performed to check for the presence of bacteria, protein and sugar.
Another important part of your first prenatal visit is to determine your estimated due date, which is determined by the date of your last period, your menstrual history and your vaginal examination. You will also receive education regarding important topics such as proper nutrition, regular exercise, and the avoidance of alcohol, drugs and tobacco.
THINGS TO DO AT ONE MONTH PREGNANTDuring the first month your pregnant, it’s important to make your first doctor appointment. You should also make sure you start taking 0.4 milligrams or 400 micrograms of folic acid daily. Folic acid has been shown to dramatically reduce the chances of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida. Now’s the time to also clarify your childbirth coverage with your health insurance company, to make sure you understand the restrictions and pre-authorization requirements.
YOUR BODY AT TWO MONTHS PREGNANTYour morning sickness continues into the second month your pregnant, and changes in your body’s hormones can cause light-headedness or dizziness. Remember, not all women pregnant will have these symptoms, which is normal as well. Breast soreness and tenderness continues and the nipple area darkens. Hormonal changes can also cause your face to break out. The total amount of blood in your body will increase.
YOUR BABY AT TWO MONTHS PREGNANTIt’s amazing how much is happening so quickly! The arms and legs are growing and fingers and toes have begun to develop. By the end of the second month, all major body systems continue to develop and function, including the circulatory, nervous, digestive and urinary systems. Ears, ankles and wrists are formed. Spontaneous movement begins, although the mother cannot feel it. The embryo has grown to around one-inch in length but still weighs less than an ounce. It also starts to look more like a person, and less like a tadpole.
WHAT TO EXPECT AT THE DOCTORS FOR YOUR TWO MONTHS PREGNANTAfter your initial prenatal visit, your subsequent visits will be shorter. Your weight and blood pressure will be recorded. Urine testing is also performed to check for the presence of sugar and protein. The height of the uterus (fundal height) will be measured to evaluate the overall growth of the baby. You can discuss any symptoms or discomforts you may be experiencing. A fetal ultrasound can be performed as early as the fifth week of pregnancy. Fetal ultrasound can be done to predict a woman’s due date and estimate the age of the fetus. If fetal ultrasound is done during the 7th to 14th week of pregnancy, the age of the fetus can usually be determined to within 5 days.
THINGS TO DO AT TWO MONTHS PREGNANTYou should make a list of questions to ask your doctor. Don’t be afraid to ask, no matter how trivial the question might seem. Although you are not yet showing, now is a good time to start browsing for maternity clothes. It’s also the time to start your pregnancy journal.
THREE MONTHS PREGNANTYOUR BODY AT THREE MONTHS PREGNANTYour morning sickness and fatigue will still be hanging around for the third month your pregnant. But the end is in sight! Most will only experience this for a few more weeks. Your clothes will start to feel snug as your waistline and breasts enlarge, especially if you’ve had a baby before. Weight gain varies from woman-to-woman during pregnancy. The average weight gain for the mother-to-be is between 25 to 35 pounds. You may have gained three to four pounds by now. The muscular contractions of the intestines, which help move food through the digestive tract, are slowed due to high levels of progesterone. This can cause heartburn, indigestion, constipation and gas. Frequent urination continues.
YOUR BABY AT THREE MONTHS PREGNANTThe baby, now considered a fetus after 8 weeks, and will have soft fingernails and toenails. The legs and arms are now fully formed. The kidneys develop and send urine into the bladder. Genitals have begun to develop, but not enough to determine the baby’s gender. The eyes are largely open by week 10, but the eyelids are beginning to fuse, and will stay that way until the 25th to 27th week. Teeth begin to form, as 20 buds appear in the mouth. Fetal movements increase. The baby will move if touched through the uterine wall, and can also spontaneously move. By the end of 12 weeks, the organs and body systems are fully formed, but will mature over the course of the pregnancy. The fetus now is 4 inches long and weighs a little over an ounce.
WHAT TO EXPECT AT THE DOCTORS FOR YOUR THREE MONTHS PREGNANTYour weight and blood pressure will be recorded. Urine testing is also performed to check for the presence of sugar and protein. The height of the uterus and fetal growth will be measured to evaluate the overall growth of the baby. You can discuss any symptoms or discomforts you may be experiencing. During the 10th to 12th week, the baby’s heartbeat can be heard using a special instrument called a Doppler ultrasound. These fetal heart tones will be recorded at each office visit. If you have a family history of birth defect, or if you are over the age of 35, a chorionic villi sampling (CVS) can be performed between the 8th and 12th week of the pregnancy. This test detects genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. This test involves the sampling of chorionic cells obtained through a catheter placed either through the cervix or the abdominal wall.
THINGS TO DO NOW AT THREE MONTHS PREGNANTAsk your doctor about forms of exercise, as it is good for both you and the baby. Walking is a good choice. Now is the time to start shopping for maternity clothes!
FOUR MONTHS PREGNANTYOUR BODY AT FOUR MONTHS PREGNANTWelcome to the second trimester! You will find your nausea and fatigue have diminished. As a result, you’ll have more energy and your appetite will return. For some women, the second trimester is a wonderful time. The hormonal changes in your body are becoming more noticeable. An increase of estrogen may cause moles and freckles to grow darker. Dark blotches can appear on your cheeks, forehead and bridge of the nose, called chloasma, or “mask of pregnancy.” A dark brown line from the middle of your abdomen to your pubic bone may develop. This is known as the “linea nigera.” Your uterus, now the size of a grapefruit, is shifting upward. Your heart is increasing its output to supply the growing baby with oxygen. By this time, your belly will start to show. It’s time to put on those maternity clothes! You may also develop varicose veins or hemorrhoids. By the end of the fourth month your pregnant, you may even feel the baby start to move. This is more likely to happen if you have had a previous child. The sensation has been likened to a butterfly flutter in your abdomen. These first movements are called “quickening.”
YOUR BABY AT FOUR MONTHS PREGNANTBy this point, your baby moves and kicks. Its sucking and swallowing reflexes have developed and it can even suck its thumb! The baby now produces urine and is actually urinating into the amniotic fluid. The placenta is fully developed. Fingers and toes are well developed and finger prints and toe prints have formed. Soft downy hair is growing on the baby’s head. By the middle of this month, the external genitalia become distinct. All 20 teeth are formed and waiting. By the end of the 4th month your pregnant, the baby is approximately 6 inches long and 5 ounces in weight
WHAT TO EXPECT AT THE DOCTORS FOR YOUR FOUR MONTHS PREGNANTOffice visits during the second trimester focus on tracing the growth of the fetus, determining a more precise due date and monitoring your own health. Doctor visits will probably be every 4 weeks. Your weight and blood pressure will be recorded. Urine testing is also performed to check for the presence of sugar and protein. The height of the uterus and fetal growth will be measured to evaluate the overall growth of the baby. Fetal heart monitoring will be performed. You can discuss any symptoms or discomforts you may be experiencing. An amniocentesis may be ordered, if there is concern about a possible birth defect. The maternal blood screening for neural tube defects, often called the Alpha-Fetoprotein Test (AFP), may also be offered. This is most accurate during the 15th to 17th weeks of gestation. A fetal ultrasound may also be performed to evaluate fetal development.
THINGS TO DO NOW AT FOUR MONTHS PREGNANTIf you have felt the baby move, make note of the date and let your doctor know. Take your partner along with you for a check-up to hear the baby’s heartbeat. It’s a great way to share in the excitement of the pregnancy. Start sleeping on your left side, because circulation is best in this position. Lying on your stomach or back after the fourth or fifth month can put extra pressure on your uterus and decrease circulation to your baby.
FIVE MONTHS PREGNANTYOUR BODY AT FIVE MONTHS PREGNANTYou are showing more now, with obvious swelling in your lower abdomen. Mid-pregnancy aches and pains are starting—lower abdominal achiness caused by the stretching of ligaments as your abdomen enlarges, leg cramps, mild welling of the feet and ankles and backache. Heartburn, indigestion and constipation continue, as well as hemorrhoids. Your uterus, now about the size of a cantaloupe, can now be felt just below your navel. Speaking of navel, don’t be surprised if it pops out by the end of the month. Temporary red marks, caused by dilated blood vessels, may appear on your face shoulders and arms. Your breathing will become deeper and you may perspire more than usual because of a more active thyroid gland. By the end of the month, you will begin to feel fetal movement, if you haven’t already—from “quickening” to gentle nudges.
Your baby can hear sounds by the end of this month—your voice and heart, as well as outside sounds. It will cover its ears with its hands if a loud sound is made near you. The skin is developing and transparent, appearing red because of the blood vessels below it. A creamy white protective coating, called vernix, begins to develop. Soft downy hair called “lanugo” begins to cover the body. Hair on the head, eyelashes and eyebrows are filling in. The rapid growth spurt is tapering off, but reflexes are developing. The baby can now stretch, yawn and make facial expressions. The baby is moving often, twisting, turning, wiggling, punching and kicking. The baby is now 8 to 12 inches long and weighs 1/2 to 1 pound.
Your weight and blood pressure will be recorded. Urine testing is also performed to check for the presence of sugar and protein. The height of the uterus and fetal growth will be measured to evaluate the overall growth of the baby. You can discuss any symptoms or discomforts you may be experiencing. Fetal heart monitoring is performed. You will have a routine mid-pregnancy ultrasound, to assess the baby’s growth and development. If the baby is in the right position, its gender may be determined.
Better start looking into childbirth classes, if you haven’t already done so. Now is also the time to start playing around with baby names. Look through your family history and read books. Remember to look at combinations for both boys and girls.
You can feel the baby’s movement more strongly. Your uterus reaches just above your navel. You’ve probably gained between 10 and 14 pounds by now. Leg and foot cramps, backache, as well as mild swelling of the ankles and feet, persist. Vaginal secretions, (clear to yellowish in color) called “leukorrhea” increase. Heartburn, indigestion, constipation and hemorrhoids, dilated blood vessels in the rectal area caused by increased blood flow, continue. You may actually feel Braxton Hicks contraction. This is just the uterus preparing for birth.
By the end of the sixth month, the baby is almost fully formed and is depositing brown fat on its body to keep warm. Growth rate is slowing down, but organs and systems continue to mature. Buds for permanent teeth are beginning to form. Your baby can still move around in the amniotic fluid. Towards the end of this trimester the baby will begin to settle, usually in the head down position. The muscles gain strength and the eyelids and eyebrows are developed. Lanugo hair of the body sometimes gets darker. The baby is starting to produce white blood cells, which will help combat disease and infection. The baby is now 11 to 14 inches long and weighs 1 to 1 1/2 pounds.
Your weight and blood pressure will be recorded. Urine testing is also performed to check for the presence of sugar and protein. The height of the uterus and fetal growth will be measured to evaluate the overall growth of the baby. You can discuss any symptoms or discomforts you may be experiencing. Fetal heart monitoring is performed. Glucose testing for detecting gestational diabetes is given between the 24th and 28th week. This test involves drinking a sugary beverage, after which your blood sugar level is measured.
Start making a list of things you’ll need for the baby’s arrival. Confirm your childbirth class enrollment